
Showing posts from May, 2023

From Classics to Global Phenomenon: The Ever-Evolving Journey of K-Drama

 By James Otieno Oh, the enchanting world of K-Drama, a wild rollercoaster ride through a whirlwind of emotions that leaves us swooning, sobbing, and laughing all at once! From its humble beginnings to becoming a global sensation, the journey of K-Drama has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. So, brace yourselves for a joyous adventure as we take you on a hilarious tour through the ever-changing landscape of Korean drama! 1. The Pioneering Years Back in the day when flip phones were all the rage (remember those?), K-Dramas were already making waves in South Korea during the late '90s and early 2000s. We're talking about the classics like " Winter Sonata " and " Boys Over Flowers " – the OGs that paved the way for the K-Drama craze we're addicted to today! Ah, those were the times of love triangles that had us biting our nails and protagonists with gravity-defying hairdos.                                              Boys Over Flowers